Promises To Keep
We truly believe that children are a gift from God.
That responsibility drives BCCA to keep our promise to provide Christ centered, Bible-based, and excellent education. Likewise, we cultivate the potential of every child, so they can grow, excel, and prosper in all areas of their lives.
The benefits extend well beyond our students.
BCCA students learn to strive for success, to live by faith, and to stand as witnesses for truth in a complex world. They become the leaders, employees, professionals, friends, partners, church members, and neighbours we all want in our lives.
Right now, to fulfil our responsibility, we must provide facilities that help achieve the greatest educational impact.
After years of planning, we are preparing to construct a new and better facility for our Kid’s Club, and a new building to house both our Middle and High School. Then we will rebuild the current Elementary building.
When the plan is fully realized, we will serve more than double the number of students, and address significant limitations to our current music, arts, sports, and other programs.
We believe that God is calling us to take this large step of faith as part of our calling to Kingdom work. So, we at BCCA must do and give all we can. We also must trust God to keep His promises to provide for His work, by inspiring more people to invest deeply in generations of transformative education.
We hope you join our growing community of support and decide to be part of God’s provision. Your investment will pay dividends in the lives of present and incoming students, and far out into the world, among everyone our graduates meet, for generations to come.
God bless you as you consider the impact you can have in helping to keep the promise.
Romans 12: 1-2 (NIV) – BCCA’s Theme Verse
“. . . in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind . . .”
Noel Asirvatham Ian Jarvie
Board Chair Executive Director & Head of School
News and Updates
Expansion Update: BC Christian Academy Kids Club
May 2024
March 2024
In response to the province’s initiative to create more daycare spaces, BCCA Kids Club has secured a grant of 1.23 million for the development of 144 new daycare spaces.
These additional spaces will be housed in a purpose-built, two-story structure located along the southeast side of the property. The building will feature classrooms, activity areas, and child-minding spaces, with careful consideration given to the environment, natural surroundings, and the well-being of our neighbors.
Anticipated to be filled over a 2–3 year period, the 144 new spaces aim to meet the growing demand for daycare services. The schedule of services in the new building will be staggered throughout the day to minimize any impact on the daily activities of the Elementary School and the surrounding neighborhood.
The Building Permit for this development has been submitted to the City of Port Coquitlam. Construction is scheduled to commence in the Fall of 2024, with completion expected by the start of the 2025 school year.
For additional information and inquiries, please reach out to us at
We look forward to this exciting expansion and appreciate your continued support of our mission and commitment to providing quality child care services.

July 2023
BC Christian Development Update – July 2023
BC Christian Academy remains committed to its plan to develop the 1019 Fernwood Avenue site to house a K-12, 2 track school of approximately 600 students plus the Kids Club program of 300 children.
The project is at the site analysis and review stage. This is an important part of the process, as it determines the best location for the new buildings given BC Christian Academy’s desire to protect the natural environment and the privacy and convenience of the community that surrounds the property. This analysis and review is handled by the external consultants, Field and Marten, appointed by BC Christian Academy in conjunction with the relevant CIty and Provincial Authorities. This analysis and review stage is expected to take up to 24 months.
BC Christian Academy continues to update its business plans for the redevelopment of the 1019 Fernwood Avenue site and has recently announced the public phase of the Promises to Keep Capital Campaign for the project at its 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner held on 27 May 2023. The target of the Promises to Keep Capital Campaign is $45 Million.
BC Christian Academy continues to grow with each academic year. In order to meet this growing demand, the following plans are in place.
1. The High School Campus will remain at 3000 Christmas Way.

2. The Middle School Campus will be moved to Riverside Church with effect from September 2023.

3. The Elementary Campus and Kids Club will remain at 1019 Fernwood Avenue.

These interim plans will go a long way in meeting the demands for BC Christian Academy and the concerns of the neighborhood as the school works through its development plans. Additionally, the siting of the Middle and High School campuses off site ensures the continued safety of our students and staff during the development process.
Further updates will be provided when more information on the site analysis and review is available.
BC Christian Academy will continue to do improvement and repair works at the Fernwood Avenue site to ensure the safety and protection of our students, staff and aging infrastructure. These improvements and repair works will be coordinated and the inconvenience to the neighbourhood will be kept to a minimum.
September 2022
BC Christian Academy is happy to announce that On-site Drop Off and Pick Up will be implemented in the coming school year starting September 2022. To facilitate this new process, BC Christian Academy has applied for permission for the removal of 2 trees on its property from the City of Port Coquitlam. Permission for the removal of the 2 trees was received on 16 August 2022 following the nesting surveys carried out by external consultants as required by the City of Port Coquitlam. BC Christian Academy is confident that the implementation of the On Site Drop Off and Pick Up will further improve and alleviate the congestion on the surrounding roads during the morning and afternoon peak periods.
The design for the On Site Drop Off and Pick Up was done in discussions and with the assistance of external traffic consultants. Work on the site will begin Wednesday, 17 August 2022 with the felling of the trees, followed by the expansion of the driveway.
For any further inquiries and questions, please email us at